Saturday, April 3, 2010

Wadi Mujib and South Jordan

Today, a good amount of the SIT kids went to Wadi Mujib which is the lowest natural reserve in the world, right next to the Dead Sea. It was beautiful. We did a river walk through this canyon which a lot of the stone looked like polished wood, truly insane. We trekked through and did a little climbing until we reached the waterfall at the end (we didn't have a guide so we couldn't get up the waterfall but we had fun just hanging out). I discovered that if you go to the back of the waterfall and jump into one of the streams, it pushes you under water and forces you out the other side, very fun. Some of the kids were skeptical at first but I convinced some of them to join in purposely losing your footing to jump into a raging waterfall, I'd recommend it to anyone.
Tomorrow, the SIT students are heading out way to early (again) to south Jordan. We will spend 4 days exploring Aqaba, Wadi Rum, and Petra. A couple of the guys and I are planning on renting jet skis in Aqaba to ride on the Red Sea, we'll go swimming, eat fresh sea food, etc. Also, we'll be spending a night in tents in Wadi Rum where we'll play music around the camp fire and I think roast marshmallows In Sha'Allah (God Willing, hopefully). We're also going to try to get to Petra early in the morning so that there will be less tourists there and also so that we see the Treasury building right when the sunrise hits it, I can't wait. After south Jordan, we have a couple more days of classes where we'll all be presenting our projects; then our Independent Study Project period begins. I'll tell you more about what I'm doing later. I won't have a computer in south Jordan so I'll make sure to post a good one for you when I get back, pictures, stories, all that stuff. Ma salaama.

1 comment:

  1. Pictures, pictures, pictures!!! We want pictures! Especially of Petra, darlin'. Okay, but as a mum, c'mon, OY! BE CAREFUL WITH THE JUMPING INTO SHALLOW WATERS stuff!!! Oh, and do your homework. Love you, Mum
