Friday, May 14, 2010

The End

So here’s the end. I’ve been here for three and a half months now and honestly, it doesn’t even feel like a week. People always say time flies when you’re having fun but even when I wasn’t having fun, time just flew. I barely got a chance to blink. I mean, I’m looking forward to coming home but I’m not overly pumped. I’m going to be happy to see my family, drink out of the tap, eat bacon, etc. but I don’t know, I can always go back to those things.
I’m going to miss so much here. I’m going to miss the cheap, good food – the shwarma and falafel and maansaf. I’m going to miss the ridiculous T.V. shows, the beautiful Arabic calligraphy on every sign; I’m going to miss the people I’ve met and the friends I’ve made and playing backgammon with some of the guys while smoking cherry argeelah in a cafe. I’m going to miss the fresh juice, Turkish coffee, sharing a cigarette with a random taxi driver, my amazing and generous host family; but most of all, I’m going to miss the feeling of Jordan, the feeling of being here in the Middle East. We’re surrounded by warring nations but nothing can harm us, nothing is going to hurt me here, I’m safe. It’s a calm, almost serene feeling that I will never be able to fully explain. I don’t want to sound like I had this huge epiphany here, I didn’t, but what I can’t explain is the people, who they are, where they’re from, why they act the way they do. I don’t get it. Why are they so generous? Why would they be so kind to me? Americans are not kind to them so what are they trying to pull? I used to think this way, before now, but now, it’s easy to explain. It’s simple to understand. These are good and kind people, not all of course, in every culture you have good and bad, but here, the good is beyond anything one would see in the states.
I'm going to miss Jordan very, very much and I'm definitely going to miss my wonderful host family. This is really hard for me, Jordan is another one of my "homes" now and it's always hard to leave home, even if there is another one waiting for you. I can't wait to come back to Jordan again, I know that it will be waiting for me in a few years with open arms. See you later Jordan, and Palestine, here I come.


  1. Bear, what a beautiful message and a beautiful Jordanian family you have!! Love you, Mum
